Zuzana Borysek is an artist specializing in a variety of decorative paintings. Coming from a traditional printmaking and illustration background has given her her own unique understanding of the colors and structure of her work. In order to create more desirable works, she needs more technological materials.
- Zuzana Borysek -
In a series of alcohol ink drawings
Artist Zuzana uses
DuPont™ Tyvek® brand materials
in a riot of colors
combined with a perforation process
to achieve a dazzling 3D layered look
Through the colorful interpretation and clever layout of the holes, some of them are like bubbles at the end of the waves, crowded with each other and unpredictable; others are like demonic pupils gazing at you intently.
Ordinary paper is too fragile, it is difficult to realize such an elaborate effect. The irregular round holes are a test of the material's toughness - a key reason why Tyvek® can be used in all kinds of processing methods - and because Tyvek® is strong and tear-resistant, there's no need to worry about small gaps between the holes or about it breaking when you pull on it.
Layers of treated Tyvek® are stacked on top of each other to create stunning abstract and three-dimensional effects.
Zuzana is particularly fascinated by the sea and life by the sea, she is mesmerized by the blue of the sea and is in awe of its power. As a result, you can see a lot of oceanic elements in her work.
I really like how the Tyvek® material stays smooth after all the coloring.
--Zuzana Borysek
Tyvek® is as light and smooth as paper, with a subtle texture that is unique, especially when colored or printed. In Zuzana's work, the waves and bubbles become even more vivid and dreamlike.